The Ear: An Engineering Marvel Part 1
I am sitting at the piano on a rainy day. I close my eyes and push down on one of the keys. Ahh! A nice, clear middle C rings through the house. I move my finger to the left and strike one of the black keys… B flat…I think. I am not much of a […]
Please stop the ringing in my ears!!!
Believe it or not, most people have experienced some sort of ringing in their ears. The majority of us hear it once in a while. Others, unfortunately, have it 24/7. What are these strange sounds that “appear” from nowhere and sometimes outstay their welcome? Is someone talking about me, am I cursed, or should I […]
What’s Causing Your Sore Throat?
We’ve all been there – having a sore throat is miserable. Whether speaking, eating, drinking, or swallowing- it’s all painful with a sore throat! There are many conditions that could cause a sore throat- so let’s discuss some of the most common and how they are treated. Like most illnesses that affect your sinuses, a […]
Passageways to Relief with Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP)
If you don’t suffer from chronic sinusitis (also referred to as rhinosinusitis), chances are you are unaware of how debilitating the condition can be for people dealing with symptoms on a day-to-day basis. Sinusitis and nasal complaints are some of the most frequent complaints that patients relate to their doctor. Some of the symptoms experienced […]